THE DEATH MERCHANT -- by Bob & Wanda Duncan

Tony and Doug land at Gettysburg and find themselves for o time on opposite sides in the conflict.

Tumbling out of the Vortex onto a battlefield, Tony and Doug stumble over the body of a Union soldier. They see Michaels, a strange-looking dark man with a giant mastiff pass by, and then, nearly caught, in a skirmish between Union and Confederate soldiers, they try to outrun a burst of shellfire, but Tony is hit. A Union Major tells Doug that his friend is dead. When he finds that Doug has seen the man with the dog, he orders him to come with him. The Major finds a uniform for Doug and informs him the man, Michaels, is planning to sell gun-powder to the Rebs and must be:topped or more lives will be lost at Gettysburg. Ann, Kirk and Swain, reading their instruments in the Tunnel, realize Tony must be dead, but Ann gets permission to try a power surge which might shock him back to life. The experiment is successful. When Tony comes to, a confederate Sergeant mistakes him for their courier who was bringing money for Michaels. The Sergeant, realizinq Tony has lost his memory and can't help them, takcs him alonq as he sets out to follow the Union Major he's sure is on Michael's trail. The Major and Doug finally locate Michaels in a cabin. Refusing to surrender, he cuts down the Major with a rapier and disarms Doug. Tending the dying Major's wounds, Doug finds a rapier and engages Michaels but again he is disarmed. Noticing the manuscript that Michaels has been working on, Doug realizes that Michaels is actually Machiavelli, somehow cought in the vortex of time and moved to America during the Civil War. Michael is not bothered by it and is enjoying the slaughter of war. The technicians in the Tunnel, learninq that Machiavelli's signal is identical to Doug's,search feverishly for a way to separate them. Meanwhile, Tony and the Confederate Sergeant arrive at the cabin, and Tony, not recognizing Doug, nearly kills him, but getting the gun-powder is more important, and Michaels agrees to lead them to it. Doug makes a dash for freedom, and Michaels send's the mastiff after him. Watching from the Tunnel, Kirk orders a reversal in time for the mastiff, and the savage beast disappears. Then Doug, expecting Tony, hides behind a tree until he appears. Michaels then leads Tony, Doug and the Sergeant through the brush toward the cave, where the gunpowder is hidden. Dodging shells, Tony tries to get a wagon to move the powder, and Doug follows. Puzzled when Doug saves his life, Tony returns and finds that the Sergeant has been shot by Michaels. Arriving at the cave, Tony rushes in to load the powder into the wagon, but Doug attempts to destroy the powder and the two battle. Suddenly Tony regains his memory, but Michaels lights the powder just before the technicians in the Tunnel can pluck him off the battlefield. As the fire reaches the powder, Tony and Doug disappear, and the cave is enveloped in a giant explosion.

Dr. Tony Newman ................. James Darren 
Dr. Doug Phillips ............... Robert Colbert 
Dr. Ann MacGregor ............... Lee Meriwether 
Lt.Gen. Heywood Kirk ............ Whit Bissell 
Dr. Raymond Swain ............... John Zaremba

G U E S T  C A S T

Major  .......................... John Crawford
Sgt. Maddox...................... Kevin Hagen
Michaels ........................ Malachi Throne
Corporal ........................ Kevin O'Neal

Director ........................ William Hale

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Created: 97/04/24 Updated: 97/12/02