IDOL OF DEATH - by Bob & Wanda Duncan

The Time Travellers land in Mexico at the time of Cortez and are nearly killed as spies.

Tony and Doug materialize in the jungles of eastern Mexico. Suddenly, they realize that they are watching the vanguard of Cortez' army as it begins the pillage of this ancient country. As Captain Alvarado lifts a burning stick and approaches an old Indian woman, whose husband and Son Qexcotl, also are prisoners, Doug runs into the clearing. The Time Travellers are saved from death by the appearance of Cortez himself who immediately assumes that they are spies for his enemy. He orders them bound, then personally tortures the old man. Cortez wants to know where their tribe's Golden Mask is hidden. Possession of it will make his conquest simpler. Although he promises to release the Indians, he ignores his word when the old woman gives him directions. The Bowman then murder the old chief and his wife. Cortez directs Alvarado to find the Golden Mask, which is hidden in a cave. Meanwhile in the Time Tunnel, Swain narrows the time fix, but the Travellers' position is not clear, so Ann contacts the Mexican Embassy for help. While Cortez, aware of a plot against him, orders his ships burned to keep his men from turning back, an old Indian Retainer sets the prisoners free. Cortez and Alvarado decide to attend to the "spies," but Doug dashes toward the kegs of gunpowder, threatening disaster with a firebrand. With the Retainer and Qexcotl, the Time Travellers hurry off into the jungle carrying one keg of powder. The young Qexcotl, unaccustomed to leadership, is ready only to save himself until Tony and Doug assure him that they may prevent Mexico from falling without a fight if they retain the Golden Mask. They find the first marker to the Mask's hiding place before the Spaniards, and Tony and Doug prepare an ambush. At the Tunnel, Mr. Castillano, an archaeologist familiar with the Vera Cruz area, is briefed by Kirk. Meanwhile, the Spaniards led by Alvarado, are surprised at the ambush, but the old Retainer is killed, and the Time Travellers and Qexcotl flee toward the cave of the Mask. Ann learns that Castillano is not cleared by security because of his reputation for illegally removing ancient artifacts. Kirk accepts full responsibility even though the archeologist has been searching for the Mask for twenty years. At the cave, Alvarado captures Qexcotl and the Time Travellers. Castillano now knows their exact location, but will only give Kirk the coordinates if the Mask is removed first. Inside the cave, the entire group is awestruck at the treasure. When Alvarado touches the Mask, Qexcotl, enraged, starts a fight, but is overpowered. Ann and Swain concentrate on the Golden Mask, but the energy of the transfer process weakens the roof of the cave. Reversal is impossible, so Swain freezes everything in time. Castillano grabs the Mask and holds everyone at bay with a gun. Finally, Kirk manages to overpower him and throws the Mask back in the tunnel. A strong quake causes Tony, Doug and Qexcotl to rush for the exit, but Alvarado, greedy for the gold, won't leave. Qexcotl, for revenge, re-enters the cave to kill Alvarado but finds him a madman. He gets out as the cave collapses about the Spaniard. Now a man, Qexcotl starts back to his tribe as Tony and Doug dematerialize.

Dr. Tony Newman ................. James Darren 
Dr. Doug Phillips ............... Robert Colbert 
Dr. Ann MacGregor ............... Lee Meriwether 
Lt.Gen. Heywood Kirk ............ Whit Bissell 
Dr. Raymond Swain ............... John Zaremba

G U E S T  C A S T

Castillano ...................... Rodolfo Hoyos
Alvarado ........................ Lawrence Montaigne 
Bowman .......................... Abel Fernandez
Cortez .......................... Anthony Caruso
Retainer ........................ Peter Brocco

Director ........................ Sobey Martin

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Created: 97/04/24 Updated: 97/12/02